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An interview with William P. Messenger conducted by AuthorHouse

AH: William, please tells us a bit about yourself.

WPM: I was ordained a priest in 1977. In thirty plus years of ministry, I have seen the various dynamics of human interaction and the psychological and emotional dimensions that play out in human relationships. I have watched people struggle with the seeming injustice of life’s events, particularly untimely and violent death. Prior to this novel, all my writing has been academic in nature.

AH: Did any particular authors or books help you develop your writing style?

WPM: I have always been a fan of the classic mystery writers: Agatha Christie, Ellery Queen, Arthur Conan Doyle, Erle Stanley Gardner, Leslie Charteris. However, I do not want to write a detective series. My hope is to explore the personalities and psychology of three characters who collectively make up the core of
Shattered Triangle.

AH: What is Shattered Triangle about?

WPM: Although primarily a murder mystery, this is really a story of roads to heaven and hell. The book traces the lives of three people, each central to the storyline. As they embark on different vocational paths, they develop very different and very strong mores. They discover strengths, weaknesses, and potential for both wonderful and awful choices.

AH: Can you tell us a little bit about the main characters?

WPM: Giuseppe Lozano is a politician who discovers his wife and three children have been murdered. His twin brother, Giovanni, is a Catholic priest, and Lt. Tom Moran a childhood friend. They come to his aid providing comfort and support. The murder and investigation allow these three friends to discover how truly different they are and question what kind of people they will become.

AH: What inspired you to write Shattered Triangle? How long did it take you to finish it?

WPM: Several friends had been encouraging me to write a book. One specifically suggested a murder mystery. After some initial hesitation, I came up with the central idea for the story. Still, I wanted it to be more that just a mystery. I wanted to explore the interpersonal relationships of the main characters; how they evolved from a common background, embraced different value systems and developed into the individuals they became.

AH: Is there one message you would like to convey to your readers about your book?

WPM: The complexities and tragedies of life are not always neatly wrapped up in a good v. evil victory. Sometimes it is necessary to live with uncertainty and a lack of resolution.

AH: Are you working on a sequel to your book or a new project?

WPM: Both. I have been told by friends and readers that they story must be pursued. They want to know what happens. But I would also like to write in other genres besides mystery/drama.
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